Monday 18 July 2011

Taking a long hard look in the mirror (aka Thing 5)

What's great about CPD23 is that we are reflecting in each thing, so that makes this reflective writing thing less daunting than it would have been just over a month ago.  Reflective practice is not new to me as a concept.  The support department I work in even has a guide to it for students - particularly the healthcare students, but increasingly other disciplines.  Also the concept of "two ticks and a wish" was described to me a few years ago.  I thought it sounded so simple and positive that I had planned to do this daily, but these things rarely last long with me.  That is not to say I am reticent about such things.  It's just that I do a great deal of my reflecting/planning/analysing internally.  This blog has been quite a leap for me in that sense.  Yes I can witter on Twitter etc. but a blog is much more of a commitment and each post is necessarily much more considered.

So looking back over the things we have done, I can see that so far we have covered a lot of old ground for me, which has given me the opportunity to consider how these tools are used by others or might be used within my work either as a new tool to introduce or developing what is currently used.
So far I can see that a blog with post about useful themes could be a great way to provide common answers to students.  Many thanks to my colleague in the library here for that model.  So although we are currently developing an FAQ page for our website, perhaps this could be linked in to a blog somehow - some further consideration required there!

As far as tools that are not "old ground" I have a confession to make - I have not looked into Pushnote yet.  As mentioned in my last post I only have access to Explorer in work so it would mean check it out at home.  I have noticed that I am not the only one to have skipped Pushnote - either for the same reason as me or because Pushnote requires registering but don't give a lot of information about what they do.  My initial reaction is to give it a wide berth, but no... I'll get onto it.  Tomorrow I'm working in a different office and will have access to Firefox, so I'll try then.

So I have reflected and will be exploring how I can use what we've looked at so far in my workplace.  I will even format my summary of the tools in a reflective practice layout - providing evaluation and potential applications.

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