Monday 25 July 2011

Making the "Net Work"* (aka Thing 6)

I must admit that I haven't really used Facebook as a networking tool much.  I go on there and update my status, but personal networking isn't really happening.  That said, I have become a 'fan' of 23 Things - yay me!  Professionally I am a little more active - we have a Facebook profile for work and at pertinent times I provide updates for students.  I also link in to Facebook sites in other department of the University to show what we support.  Our numbers are increasing slowly, but as it is a fairly new addition to our service I think the numbers are fine.  I hope that the new academic year will bring with it an increase in numbers!  If not then it may be a non-starter, but it is worth giving it a go.

I'm also on Linkedin, albeit as a free member.  I begrudge paying for it as I really only set it up for my artistic venture.  As that's on hold at the moment I haven't done a great deal with my Linkin profile... until now.  I haven't switched to the paid membership, but I have at least bulked out my profile.  It still needs work, but it gives a lot more information now, which is the whole idea after all.  I may add my C.V. but I think that needs some reworking before I can add it.  In the meantime I have added a list of publications from way back when I was a Research Assistant (*my title for this Thing is related to one of the titles in my list!).  I have also joined some groups - some work related, some related to creativity.  It is a great one-stop shop for access to what's most talked about at the moment.  Or certainly seems to be!

Of those networks flagged as useful for the industry, I have joined LISNPN - I didn't really fit in with the others!  I quite like the vibe of the network.  It was only established recently so it is still developing.  It is nice to be involved so early on.  I already feel some benefit from being part of the network.  Tapping in to what others are doing / feeling about the industry has given me food for thought.  I hope to continue dipping in to it and perhaps build relationships there.  The layout is a little uninspiring though.  I think it's all the grey.  A little too utilitarian for my artistic sensibilities!

Finally, I'm showing off a bit now!!! I am on Google+. I think this is going to take a while to get going, but first impressions are fairly good.  It seems to be trying to be all things to everybody in terms of social networking.  It is simple enough to use and is sufficiently non-grey to keep me interested (not exactly pretty though!).  It doesn't have the focus of Linkedin, but is a little more organised than Facebook.

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